Create a Writing Practice that Feels Good
Get those creative juices flowing, get words on the page, and do it with ease … over and over again. Forget about staring at a blank page or wondering where to look for new ideas…
You already have everything you need.
"I want to have a writing practice where I simply sit down and summon ideas from the creativity gods, channeling words onto the page, effortlessly.”
That’s the dream, right?
But (there’s always a but!) you …
… think you have to write a thousand words a day in order to have a legitimate writing practice.
… have tried to stick with a routine before but it just never works.
… think you need to have hours each day to devote to writing.
… have too much going on; between work and kids and trying to save your sanity, you just don’t have the time.
… feel like everything you write sounds like absolute garbage (that the actual garbage man wouldn’t even pick up off the curb).
…don’t even know where to start!
Maybe you don’t even believe that it can be easy to sit down and write routinely. Maybe you think every other writer out there has figured it out and you’ve somehow missed the bus. You can’t figure it out exactly, but one thing is for sure … you’re ready for things to flow with ease and actually feel good when you sit down to write.
Courageous Writing is about:
changing our relationship with creativity and finding a way to get words on the page that feels good, flows with ease, and is something you want to do again and again.
There are a million excuses why we don’t write and why we stop showing up for our creativity. But the truth is, it doesn’t have to be as hard as we’ve made it out to be. You are a writer. You are a beautiful creative, who deserves to be seen and heard. You deserve to carve out space and time for the writing practice you desire.
And I’m here to tell you that it is possible. You can create a writing practice that feels good and inspired and full of ease. You can have a writing practice that is a pure joy to show up for and that keeps you coming back.
Create a writing practice that feels good and allows your creativity to flow with ease (maybe even with joy).
Courageous Writing has two main goals:
Take ownership of your identity as a creative & writer.
You deserve to express all that lives inside. Your words are valuable. Your stories matter. Courageous Writing goal number one, is for you to embrace the truth that you are a creative being - no - a creative goddess, who deserves to write and find joy in your creations.
Cultivate a writing practice that feels good to you.
There is no right way. There is no wrong way. But there is a way that feels really, really good for you. And that is your magic. That’s where you’ll find flow and ease and all the things your creative day dreams are made of. You can do this. It is possible.
The Courageous Writing Philosophy
These two core components are the secret sauce of the Courageous Writing Philosophy:
One … that showing up to your writing practice - repeatedly - is a joy and something that will change the relationship you have with yourself and your creativity.
Two… that it can be easy. It can be fun. Finding your writing flow can be an actual joy.
There is no shortage of writing advice on the internet and plenty of cookie-cutter programs, but Courageous Writing is a bit different.
What you WON’T find with Courageous Writing:
Pressure to do things like anyone else.
Forced prompts.
Rules of, pretty much, any kind.
Strict schedules you must adhere to in order to be successful.
Just because so-and-so did this-and-that and has three NYT best selling novels, doesn’t mean she did it THE RIGHT WAY. It also doesn’t guarantee that if you do exactly as she did, you’ll get the same result. It worked for her because it worked for her.
And YOU are allowed to find what works… for you.
The Courageous Writing Way
Consider this your invitation to the Courageous Writing journey - a sojourn to find your creative freedom. To forge your own way. One that feels good and enables you to find flow with ease and joy. One that allows you to seek out inspiration wherever and whenever you need it.
What you’ll find inside Courageous Writing:
Taking ownership of your creative identity: because if you don’t believe in yourself, no writing practice will ever work.
Re-writing the stories you tell yourself: the reasons you don’t write and how to edit them so they work for you instead of against you.
Suspending reality: let your inner creative dream and paint a picture of what your writing practice can look like.
Ditching the perfectionism: get in the ring with your ego and work out a few control issues.
Creating a practice that actually works: allowing the magic in… a signature four-step process to build a beautiful writing practice that works in your unique lifestyle.
How It Works
Courageous Writing is currently in Beta, which means that if you opt-in now, you’ll receive each of the 8 modules as they are created, on a weekly delivery schedule.
Buying now while it’s in Beta also means you’ll get Courageous Writing for the lowest price it will ever be offered! AND you’ll have access to all the bells & whistles and upgrades as they are rolled out in the future - at no additional cost to you, even when the price of the course has increased!
If you have any questions along the way, you can reach out to me at the email address you’ll be given with your course materials. I respond to emails several times a week - you don’t have to go it alone!
About the founder of Courageous Writing:
If you’ve made it this far, first of all, virtual high-five! You’re probably also wondering who I am and how Courageous Writing came about.
Hi! I’m Amy!
I’ve been writing in one form or another since I was old enough to hold a pencil. I’ve been blogging since Blogger was a thing and have worked my way into the Substack space, enjoyed a good freelance writing era, done the obligatory copywriting projects, and have repeatedly tried and failed at creating a daily writing practice.
Yeah, I’ve done all that writing and still sucked at showing up to write every day. Which is how I finally figured out a way that worked for me. And through that experiment, created a process that I could share with everyone - including you!
Frequently Asked Q’s
I get it! We are a busy people. That’s probably one of your biggest hang ups when it comes to starting a writing practice that actually works for you. In this course, we’ll work through ideas to create time or simply use your time more effectively. This course is completely self-paced. You can do as little as 10 minutes a day, if that’s what works for you. You got this. And you’re not alone!
Absolutely! This course is about how to create a writing practice that feels good in your unique lifestyle. If you don’t have a regular schedule, that’s okay - you’re in good company. Forget what you know about writing routines and what they are “supposed to” look like. You can make it work for you, whatever your life looks like right now.
Great question! And the answer is yes, absolutely! Courageous Writing is about exploring your relationship with creativity and writing, and finding what feels good to you. So if your current writing practice doesn’t feel good to you, let’s change that. You’re in the right place, friend.
There sure is! If you suffer from buyers remorse after hitting the payment submit button, we’re here for you. Or maybe you get into it and you realize you just don’t like writing at all anyway and you thought you’d be getting lots of foot pics, you’re definitely going to want a refund.
There’s a 30 day money back guarantee. No questions asked.
Join Courageous Writing today!
Start writing with ease and finding joy in the flow of a writing practice that feels oh-so-good.